Saturday, August 7, 2010


So my fellow blog followers, I would like to inform you of a TRAGIC event that happened in the Thacker household. Master Chef and I decided it was high time we got to work on this cooking project again! So of course, I flipped open the recipe book and began searching for something to immediately bring popularity back to a once commonly-visited sight. I picked a recipe that had a good recipe, something that sounded exciting! Something that involved "bloody ketchup." I can't give away much, because otherwise it would ruin things! So Master Chef and I decided to cook it up that night for dinner. Fabulous idea right!? Well, good plan SHATTERED! Master Chef forgot to pick up the ingredients from the store!!!!! All the good plans were ruined, but do not fret folks, cooking will resume this week, and the blog will be back in progress!
Sincerely, Mini Chef. PS-This is the best your hair has ever looked. PPS-for those of you who don't understand the previous post, look up "My sassy gay friend, shakespeare" on youtube. PPPS-Master Chef, I forgive you. :)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

My Apologies!

Hello followers! First and foremost! I must thank you for all following! It is greatly appreciated! And now, I have to formally apologize for my slacking on the blog! I'm in a play at the school, and I've had late rehearsals for the past week and into the next two weeks! As soon as they are done, master chef and myself will be back on the cooking scene! Please understand! Thank you!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mac and Cheese Lorraine

February 11, 2010

Hmmm, definitely not my fave. I know I've said that a lot lately, but that's just because Master Chef and I are having a rough go!! We need a new batch of recipes! (Which we will get next week when we randomly decide on 3 more!!) The cheese in this was a little too much for mini chef! It was gruyere, very expensive, and very flavorful! Just not my kind of flavor! I did have the surprise of a lifetime today!! I received a letter saying I've been accepted to go on a humanitarian trip to India!!! I am absolutely freaking out with excitement, and if anyone has any good ideas for fundraising, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!! Hopefully we'll be done with Rachael by November! I'd hate to have to leave her for 2 weeks!

Sliced Steak, mushrooms, and Green Onions with Warm Dijon Potato Salad

February 10, 2010

Let's just be honest, I did not even help with this meal one bit. I helped with the eating! But I was busy saving lives at the local swimming pool while master chef slaved away in the kitchen! (It was her idea!!!) When I came home and ate it, it was pretty tasty! The steak got a solid 3, maybe even up towards 3 and a half stars! It was good stuff! I'm sure the purchase of a new "Lean, Mean, Fat reducing machine" by George Foreman had nothing to do with it!!! The potatoes weren't so yummy. They had dijon mustard in them, and it was just a lot of flavor that was really different! But I highly recommend the steaks!

Casablanca Chicken and Yellow Rice

Good news folks! I tried....AN OLIVE! It was yucky, but hey, I tried it! So we should all be happy!! This one was a 60 minute meal, and it was actually rather peaceful to be in the kitchen for that long! (Although I was cut short due to my job as a babysitter!) The chicken just got to sit and bubble and be pretty, and we weren't really rushed to do anything! It was rather nice! The food was interesting, definitely different! But not too bad. The chicken was all juicy and yummy because of how long it simmered!!! And it was a pretty meal! It looked so nice on the plate!!! There were so many spices in it though!! We practically cleaned out the spice section of the grocery store!!! And the house smelled CRAZY!!! (Luckily I was out babysitting so I didn't really have to stay home and smell it!) But it all in all wasn't too bad. Two and a half stars!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cheesy Pasta Pesto

February 4, 2010

SPICY!! Really, really spicy! That's all I have to say! I honestly wasn't a huge fan of this one. It's the first dish that I haven't at least attempted to finish, and I've yet to figure out quite why. There are multiple reasons that come to mind. Number 1-It was a lot of flavor going on at one time! You had oranges and lemon, but also garlic and onions and red pepper flakes! So it was an awful lot of flavors that your mouth was trying to adjust to! Number 2- It was just spicy! It left my tongue on fire! (That's what she said??) And I don't really know what number 3 is! We gave this one 2 stars, but Father Thacker said he would of given it more if it wasn't so spicy! So maybe we'll tone it down a notch next time!!

Italian Barbecue Sliced Steak Sammies

February 1, 2010

So...if you are a fan of saying "That's what she said," I highly recommend you make this recipe!!! I mean, we had quotes such as, "It's so big I can't get my mouth around it!" And, "You have to squash it down to fit it all in!" It was a rather hilarious night!! And my good friend Weston stopped by for some grub before we headed off for the Grizzly game, (Which they won and there was a sweet fight!) and he liked it too! So you now not only have the testimony of the Thacker family, but a visitor as well! Speaking of which, if you do try the recipe, let me know what you think!! Like I said, the sammies were huge!! YOu just piled steak and cheese and sauce on french bread, and then the whole thing was supposed to fit in your mouth!? I don't think so! I do have a big mouth, which serves me perfectly well for all the talking I do, but I definitely could not handle that sandwhich! It was really good though! But very, very filling!! 3 stars!

Shrimp Scampe Verde!

January 29, 2010

OH YUM!!! I loved this one!! I gave it a solid 3.75 stars!! It was so stinking yummy! Not stinking, it actually smelled kind of good. It had some lemon juice so it smelled good! Don't be deceived by the appearance though! It is green, and it's pasta, so it kinda makes it look like some throw up on your plate, let's just be honest! But it definitely does not taste like throw up! The shrimp is just a perfect little size and sings along in a perfect medly with the linguine, chives, parsley, and other such herbs!!! It's actually pretty healthy too! So Bonne appetite on this one!! Because it's absolutely scrumptuous!!!! Master Chef and I discovered that we need a food processor! We were supposed to make the parsley and everything into a sort of paste, but it doesn't quite work the same with a blender!! Donations are happily accepted! :)

Wow....Mini Chef is getting lazy!!!

I'd like to formally apologize for my slacking on the blog!! High school is kicking my butt!!! But, I still find time to cook, which means I should still find time to blog, which is what I'm doing! Actually, as I sit here typing I am waiting for the penne pasta to reach al dente! ("To the tooth!") And I'm enjoying the very fragrant aroma of zested oranges and lemons, along with onions and garlic! Back to food!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


First of all, I offer you my most sincere appreciation for the SIX, (That's right SIX!) of you that are following my blog! Now...let's make it 10!! Spread the word! Thank you! Sincerely, Master and Mini Chef!

Poached Salmon with Cucumber-Caper Sour Cream Sauce, Green Beans, and Parsley Couscous

January 26, 2010

WE POACHED A FISH!! SUCCESS!!! And it was not even bad according to Master Chef. I do have to make a confession...I barely helped with this meal. I chopped the beans, and put 2 of the fish...pieces in the boiling cooking wine. Nothing a professional like myself couldn't handle! I just was not in the mood to cook yesterday! In fact, I wasn't really in the mood to do anything! Although Father Thacker purchased Michael Jackson's "This is It" DVD, so I was entertained while I chopped green beans and did nothing else! (Good movie by the way, you should definitely look into it!) The food was good! Poached fish has an interesting taste..and it was scary to eat! Because it looks raw! But it turned out pretty good! And the green beans were mmmmm so tasty!! The couscous...not so much. Kinda tasted like you were putting a forkful of sand in your mouth! It wasn't bad, just different! And Father Thacker again asked for tarter sauce, and we said no! But then he tried the cucumber-caper sour cream sauce, and actually said he didn't need tarter sauce anymore!! SUCCESS! Again! I will try harder next time to participate more in the cooking, and try to come up with some exciting event to add some spice to the blog!! 3 stars!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Caribbean Burgers with Mango Salsa!

January 21, 2010

Again....I'm so full!!! These burgers were HUGE and delicious!!! And tonight's dinner was just a riot!!! I think Master Chef was getting high off of some spice, because she was just on one!! At one point she got mad at her burger! That's right! She said, "You bad, bad burger!" Because they were way juicy and it got grease on her new scrubs!! Dang those burgers! It was hilarious! I do have to be honest though, I wasn't there for half of the preperation for the burgers! I had to go get a lime for th emango salsa! But I did learn the correct way to choose a lime! If you want one that is juicy, you want the bigger ones that are more squishy, and if you want one for eating, you choose the big green ones, but they have to be more hard! I love learning new things!!! The hamburgers were full of all sorts of surprises!! Cinnamon!!! And brown sugar!! So they were sweeter burgers, (I mean, they are ISLAND burgers! HELLO!) And the mango salsa was yummy on top! Father Thacker kept asking if he could put ketchup on his burger! And we had to remind him of the fact that if it isn't in the recipe it doesn't go on the table! Then he told Master Chef we couldn't have strawberries as a side dish because "It wasn't in the recipe!" Oh man! It was rather funny! But I warn you....the burgers are SO JUICY!! So, so juicy!!! I had juice going down my arm, my hands, everywhere! It was almost a 12 napkin burger! Ok...not really, but awfully close!!! AND! You get to make the burgers with your hands!! THat's always exciting! 3 stars for this one!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Buffalo Baked Chicken with Blue Cheese, Celery, and Carrot Slaw

January 20, 2010

I'M SO FULL!!! So, so full! I give this one 3 1/2 stars! It was sooo good!!! Master Chef liked the slaw, I myself was a definite fan of the chicken! It just was delicious! Most people believe in using bread crumbs to coat a chicken, but no! Rachael taught us the right way to do things! CRUTONS!! That's the secret! CRUTONS!! Who would of thought?! Rachael Ray! That's who! Oh, and all of her recipes say they are for 4 people, so explain this one to me; WHY IS THERE STILL A WHOLE CHICKEN IN MY FRIDGE!? There's two HUGE chicken breasts left, and 2 drumsticks! I guess I'll be eating chicken for the next little while! The slaw was an interesting one. It had blue cheese in it, and TONS of cabbage! BUt I liked it! It had a cool flavor! Just cheesy! That's about it for today....early morning seminary is beginning to take it out of me, so I better hit the hay!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mini Chef...ALONE!

This is what happens when I'm by myself in the kitchen.

Moussaka Pasta Toss and Spanakopita Salad

January 19, 2010

ALERT! ALERT! MINI CHEF. ALONE. IN. KITCHEN. AHHHHHHHHH!!!! Oh my heavens it was absolute CHAOS!!! The kitchen was left a mess...but good news! The insanely named Greek dish actually turned out! I'm not saying I was a fan....but it worked! THe dish contained lamb....and it was weird. I think the smell was what got to me. It's not a smell you can describe though! You mixed the lamb with onions, all sorts of spices, and egg plant. That's right folks. EGG PLANT! WITH LAMB!! We're just trying all sorts of new food at the Thacker household! And then you throw that lovely mixture of stuff into a pot of noodles with white sauce, and mix it all together! Yum. The salad that went along with it was delicious! Fetta cheese, lemon, EVOO, and spinich! So simple, but so delicious!! I really liked it! And honestly, the lamb stuff wasn't that bad, it just was different! And sometimes in life you have to try something different!!

I learned a plethera (Is that how you spell that word??) of things in the kitchen tonight, while I was working all by myself! (Master Chef was at dinner...isn't that ironic!?) Rule number 1-Music is an essential when you are working by youself. Tonight's choice, ROCK MUSIC! It was great! I was dancing around while I chopped an egg plant! Life doesn't get any better! Rule number 2- Chopping onions is awful! Absolutely, dreadfully, AWFUL! I was bawling like a baby! And then I couldn't see the lamb, and I didn't know what was happening and I just FREAKED OUT! Then master chef comes home and says, "Well didn't you use the chopper??" WE HAVE A CHOPPER!?!? What is this!? And rule number 3- Mini chef just probably shouldn't be left alone in the kitchen. It's a hazard. Pans were everywhere, flour was on the floor, onions were just scattered on the counter, I cut myself on an onion, (Don't ask.) and it's just crazy! But I survived, and the house isn't burned down, so I would say a job well done! The dish by the way, got 2 stars.

So I had an interesting...realization today. I don't know if it's exactly one I should be discussing on a cooking blog, but I'm going to anyways! Adam Lambert was on Oprah today! And I've always been a fan of the guy! I mean...have you heard his voice!? Freaking amazing! He can sing higher than I can! But he brought up an interesting point! He said something like, "It kind of bothers me when people introduce me and they says, 'Oh here's the gay singer Adam Lambert.' I mean, they say I'm gay even before they say I'm a singer!" And that got me thinking, they don't introduce people by saying, "And here's John Travolta, the STRAIGHT actor!" No, people are not introduced like that! I think that's an interesting thing to think about! Just that people should not be judged by who they do and don't like, they're just people! And let them be who they are! But enough about Adam Lambert. (Although I highly recommend you listen to his CD. It rocks!)

Monday, January 18, 2010


If you are interested in any of the recipes, please let me know! I'd happily share them with you! And then you could tell me what you think!!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Spicy Sausage, Chicken, and Bean Pot

January 16, 2010

SPICY! That's the only word I can use to describe this one! Oh my heavens it was so spicy! My mouth is still on fire!! But it definitely got 3 solid stars! It was very good!! And I feel like I have my week's worth of protein! There was so much meat! It's like....a big hot tub, but only full of meat, with a few vegetables here and there!! Good stuff! But I would only eat this on a very cold winter's night, because it was so hot! And it was another pretty recipe! Ahhh! The vegetables and big chunks (EXACT WORDS RACHAEL USED! "CHUNKS!") of meat, it just was a work of art! I currently am working on uploading some pictures of the food! So don't worry, the good stuff is coming!!!

I've decided that my new way to vent anger is through cooking! You see, last Friday I failed my college math exam! It was awful! I thought I did so good, but no! And what was the first thing that came to mind that I wanted to do to feel better??? COOK SOME YUMMY FOOD! But alas...I was too lazy, and I just went home and watched a movie! :) Good stuff! But still! I love it! And Master Chef and I are becoming much closer! It's just good ol' family bonding time!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sea Bass with Herb Butter and a Frisee Salad

January 13, 2010. (Happy Birthday Sophie Dog!!)

This one left me with mixed emotions. I still cannot exactly figure out if I liked it or not!! The fish was good, and very healthy! (80 Calories for a fairly large slice!! Lean little fishy!) The Salad was TANGY! It was quite the excitement for your mouth!! Master Chef proposed we add some sugar next time, considering all the dressing had in it was EVOO and some Red Wine Vinegar! Whoa! Crazy new sensation that most Utahns aren't used too. (A lot like a first make out. You just don't know what to expect and then it's a total surprise!! You know, most Utahns aren't used to making out..a lot like the salad dressing wasn't what I expected or anything like I'm used catchin' what I'm throwin?? Not that I have made out of course! Still have my virgin lips! ANYWAYS!!!) The salad dressing did melt my heart though! It turned a lovely golden color, which I just have come to adore!! So we rated this one about a 2 1/2 stars! Oh and don't worry, Father Thacker still wanted tarter sauce to go on his fish!

I do have to make mention of something that comes along with all these meals. CLEAN UP!! It's awful!! So far this meal has been the easiest to clean up! But let me just say it how it is...EVOO splatters...over EVERYTHING! And it is no fun to clean up! But you know, considering Master Chef and I make the food, generally Father Thacker is a good father and will clean up for us! So....I guess I really cannot complain too much!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Florentine Mac and Cheese and Roast Chicken Sausage Meatballs!

January 12, 2010

"A big ol' hunk of YUM!" Is exactly what this one was! Oh my goodness! It was like a party for your mouth! But I do have to say that the preperation was one of the best parts. I totally pulled a Rachael! After mixing the raw, ground chicken, an egg, many spices, and ricotta cheese, I took off all jewelery and dug in!! I mixed that meat up like there was no tomorrow!! It was fantastic! But the meat was really cold and got hard to mix after a while! I also learned how to make my first basic white sauce! Master Chef taught me the fine art, and I feel very accomplished! Then you add a couple boxes of spinich into the sauce, and mix it on some noodles! Then you take the huge delicious hunk of yum (meatball!) and lay it over the top, and eat up! Ahhh it was delicious! I highly recommend it!

It's funny how fast you can start to like something when you just set a goal and want to complete it! I've come to really like cooking! In fact, Master Chef and I weren't even planning on cooking until I called her and said "Mom! We need to cook tonight!" It's just a comfort knowing that you can mix a bunch of random stuff together, and it makes something delicious! (And I still can't get over the golden sauce from the Piquillo chicken! That's still just a beautiful vision in my head!) It's just a new way of helping me relax!!! And I'm sure Master Chef doesn't mind an extra pair of hands in the kitchen!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Piquillo Pepper Chicken with Spanish Rice!

Day 3: January 9, 2010

Did you know that if you mix red peppers, EVOO, (Extra virgin olive oil for those of you that haven't figured it out!) sherry, and butter, you can turn someone who never liked peppers in their life, to someone who would gladly sit and devour the delicious vegetable!? I had that life changing moment today in the kitchen!! Peppers might possibly be one of my new favorites! Peppers and chicken mixed with a bit of parsley and slathered in EVOO just makes life a little bit happier! Just the sizzle of a huge piece of chicken in a hot pan of EVOO is easily becoming one of my favorite genres of music! And today, I had an awakening! The color of food can make all the difference! You see, the sauce that you slather over the chicken started kind of a red color because of the peppers (DELICIOUS!) but then you had butter, and suddenly it turns golden yellow, and with the small parsley flakes floating around...ah it was just a work of art!!! Dad, Josh, and myself enjoyed the dish, Master Chef not so much. Not exactly sure why! Maybe she hasn't had the same awakening to peppers as I have had!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Days 1 and 2: The start of the adventure!!!

Day 1: January 6, 2010

The project has begun! The EVOO has been purchased, and there is salt all over the kitchen floor already! Tonight's meal was, in a simple term, DELICIOUS!! "Carbonara Deep-Dish Pasta Crusted Pan Pizza." Oh man! What a brilliant mixture of pizza and pasta and ricotta cheese and EVOO and just...MMMMM! Yum! It takes an artist to be able to brown the carbonara (AKA-BACON!!!!) and pile the linguine into a frying pan just perfectly so it is shaped like a pizza. As soon as that is done baking for a few minutes, you slather it with a brilliant concoction of ricotta cheese, parmigiano reggiano, and parsley!!! Finally, add some mozzarella cheese, and bake until golden brown! The smell of garlic in the air and the dirty pans covering the kitchen is nothing short of a little piece of Heaven! Sitting down to eat, we cut the "Pizza" and DIG IN! Oh the bliss! The bacon and cheese and noodles explode in your mouth like fireworks on the fourth of July! 3 and 1/2 stars for sure Rachael!! (Out of 4)

I've already begun learning something with this project. Cooking can be fun!! I never liked it before. Yes of course I enjoyed eating the food, (WHO DOESN'T?!) But I never was a fan of being the one to actually prepare it! But being in the kitchen with a Mom who knows what she's doing can actually be a pretty fun time! I guarantee it will begin to get even better! Either that, or it'll just turn into hell in the kitchen and we won't be able to stand each other! Either way, we'll both improve our cooking, and get to eat some fantastic meals! :)

Day 2: January 7, 2010

Tonight's meal, "Sesame-Battered Fish Tacos with Seared Cabbage and Avocado." Yummy. The whole preperation of the meal is really the exciting part! I mean, you have to go buy a can of MEXICAN BEER!!! WOOO!! The master chef (Mama Thacker!) went to Macys at 5:30 AM to buy it, (Probably to make sure she wouldn't run into the bishop or something, I don't know!) and she came back empty handed. "Well, the state liquor law says you can't purchase alchohol before 7:00 AM," was her story. Dang it! I guess we'll have to go back during daylight hours when someone might see us! So that we did! Except this time the Father of the house was sent out on the journey, and he returned triumphant!! I won't lie, popping open a can of beer in the kitchen with you're mom watching is not exactly my idea of a good time! So you mix the beer with some flour, sesame seeds, and other spices, to make a batter. Then you take some fresh halibut, and dip the little guys in there and spin them around and then pull them back out! Then you toss them into a searing hot pan of oil, (AKA-the hot tub) and cook them until golden brown. This whole process went by the title, "Putting the swimsuit on the fishies before they go for a swim!" According to Master Chef. (She gets crazy when there's beer!) In the mean time, you sear up the cabbage and onions in some oil, and blend the avocado and other spices into a paste! Oh delicious! After everything is finished, you cram it all into a tortilla and top it with lime juice! Very, very good! Master Chef did say she felt a little intoxicated after the meal, because her mouth enjoyed it so much. But no worries folks! The beer cooks out! The Thacker's are not drinkers! We gave this one 3 stars!

Cooking tonight was fun! Sitting down with my parents and saying "Bon appetite!" (Ok, that's Julia Child, but still!) And then just digging into some delicioius grub that I helped make was awesome! Dad wouln't try the avocado paste, and he just kept saying, "You could eat this fish alone with tarter sauce!" I almost just took his tortilla away and gave him a bottle of tarter sauce! But he ate it, and I think he was ok with it! Good for him! We're all trying new foods and it's just a party!